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Using Assistant

Number of strokes of a Chinese character

For example:

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5

  1. Press "Others" 9
  2. Press "Assistant" 0
  3. Press "1" to select the assistant method (Choices from the number of strokes of a Chinese character)
  4. Select the attribute of the assistant (The number of strokes 1, 2, …,9)
  5. Select the corresponding character 1, 2, …,9

Characters with similar Cantonese pronunciations

For example:

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5

  1. Press "Notation" 0
  2. Press "Others" 9
  3. Press "2" to select the assistant method (Choices from the character with a similar Cantonese pronunciation 2)
  4. Select the attribute of the assistant (the character with a similar Cantonese pronunciation 1, 2, …,9)
  5. Select the corresponding character 1, 2, …,9

Components of the character

For example:

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5

  1. Press "Notation" 0
  2. Press "Others" 9
  3. Select the assistant method (Choices from the components of the character 3)
  4. Select the attribute of the assistant (the features of the components 1, 2, …,9)
  5. Select the corresponding character 1, 2, …,9




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