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Q9 Zhuyin Example

Steps of typing Chinese characters

  1. Choose the consonant, sound and rhyme of the character, and then select the character desired.

  2. If the character desired has no consonant, press the "Confirm" 0 button to choose the sound and rhyme, and then select the character.

  3. If the character has no sound and rhyme, press "Confirm" 0 to select the consonant and then the character.

  4. If the character desired cannot be found, press "Next Page" 0 until the character is displayed.

  5. Press "Cancel" to start a new input at any time when you pressed the wrong key(s).

Typing common Chinese characters

For example: "香"

Typing Chinese character without rhyme

For example: "速"

Typing Chinese character without sound

For example: "港"

Typing Chinese character without consonant

For example: "音"

Typing Chinese character without sound and rhyme

For example: "字"

Typing Chinese character without consonant and rhyme

For example: "易"

Typing Chinese character without consonant and sound

For example: "啊"




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